

Khardung La Challenge

Khardung La Challenge

The Khardung La Challenge (72km) is the highest Ultra Marathon in the World. This race is amongst the Toughest and Ultimate Challenging Endurance Race for the serious runner who wants to push his or her limits to the extreme. This race is Only for the fittest and very experienced runners. The harsh conditions makes this extremely tough as you will be running approximately 60km of the race at above 4000m (14,000ft)!!!

Hence the number of participants to this race is restricted to a maximum of 300 runners. This race is scheduled for Friday 12 September 2025 to ensure singular logistical focus and attention to the participants and to make this ultra-marathon a prestigious event.

A Closer Look At The Course

17618.11 ft 18044.62 ft 14763.78 ft 13943.57 ft 12335.96 ft 13123.36 ft 11486.22 ft 15583.99 ft 5 km Khardung Village 5 km 5 km 5 km 5 km 5 km 2 km Soup & Layering off 5 km 5 km 5 km 5 km 5 km 5 km 5 km 5 km 5 km South Pulu Mendak Mor Leh Market Layering off North Pulu Layering off Khardung Top

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Race Details


72 km


Friday 12 September 2025


3 am on Friday 12 September – Khardung Village


NDS Stadium grounds Leh – on Thursday 11 September at 8 am


Participant should be 20 years or older as on race day


Finisher Certificate will be given to participants who attain / reach “Finisher” stage with official time along with a medal


Participant(s) who fulfil any one option listed below is eligible to APPLY for this race with a non-refundable application fee of Rs 3,000. Please ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria before submitting your application.

  1. Finisher of 2024 Ladakh Marathon (42km) under 6hrs OR Khardungla Challenge (72km).
  2. Finisher of previous years Ladakh Marathon (42km) under 6hrs AND one Full Marathon under 5hrs after 1st January 2024.
  3. Finisher of EITHER two 75km Ultra Marathons under 10hrs within the eligibility period (at least one after 1st January 2024) OR two Ultra Marathons above 75km with a pace of minimum 7km/hr (at least one after 1st January 2024).
  4. Ultra Trail runners with 8 ITRA points from two races (at least one after 1st January 2024).
  5. Finisher of a Full Marathon under 5hrs AND a 50km Ultra Marathon under 6hrs within the eligibility period (at least one after 1st January 2024).
  6. DNF of previous years Khardungla Challenge who have attained stage II within cut-off AND a Full Marathon under 5hrs after 1st January 2024.

Application will be confirmed once documents submitted towards eligibility criteria have been verified within 15 working days, after which payment link will be shared for balance registration fee. Event organiser reserves the right to disallow / disqualify any participant who is known or suspected to be physically unfit to participate in this run. Please note that the number of participants to this run is restricted to a maximum of 300.

Cut Off Time:

The below will be strictly followed:

From To Distance(Km) Cut-Off Time Stage
Khardung Village(Start) Khardungla Top 32.2 11 am / 8 hrs I
Khardungla Top South Pulu 14.3 1:30 pm / 10 hrs 30 min II
South Pulu Mendak mor 12.1 3 pm / 12 hrs III
Mendak mor Leh Market(Finish) 13.4 5 pm / 14 hrs Finisher

Please note that these points and times are subject to change should the organisers deem it necessary. The final cut-off is at 14 hours (5 pm) and if you have not reached the cut off points within the given time as stated above, you must leave and retire from the race immediately and get on to a sweep vehicle. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.

Registration Type & Fee

(Inclusive of 18% GST)


Type I (Foreign Nationals)

USD 320


Type II (Indian Nationals – who live outside Ladakh)

INR 21,500


Type III (Ladakh Residents & serving Indian Defense Personnel )

INR 16,400


Type IV (Veterans – 52yrs & above) Foreign

USD 260


Type IV (Veterans – 52yrs & above) Indian

INR 17,800

BIB Collection

Participants of the ultra Khardungla Challenge are assigned two bibs each for front and back. Please ensure these are pinned properly and visible at all times during the entirety of race(s), failure to do so will result in disqualification.

Bibs will be distributed ONLY on Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd September 2025 at NDS Memorial Stadium grounds in Leh. NO BIBS WILL BE GIVEN AFTER THESE DATES.

It is mandatory for participants to collect their bibs in person and are requested to bring out original photo ID as same is also required for Inner Line Permit.

Race briefing and getting to the start point

It is mandatory for participants to report at 8 AM on Thursday 11 September 2025 at the NDS Stadium grounds in Leh where they will be briefed about this ultra race, and hand over their layering on/off bags for K-top and South Pulu to the Event organiser.

They will be transported to the race starting point at Khardung village where the accommodation is provided by the organisers in a homestay inclusive of meals.

Please note that no briefing for this ultra race will be conducted in Khardung village, so participants MUST report at NDS Stadium grounds on Thursday September 11 at 8AM.


Participant Benefits

  • Running T-shirt
  • Running jacket
  • Beanie cap
  • Ultra sun hat
  • Upper and lower inners
  • Arm sleeves (for sun protection)
  • Neck warmer
  • Bags for layering on/off
  • Finisher Jacket

Baggage deposit for layering on/off

There are two locations to layer on/off during this race – 1st at Khardungla Top, 2nd at South Pulu. For both locations, bags must be deposited on Thursday 11th September at NDS Stadium grounds during race briefing. There will also be deposit location at race start point in Khardung Village. Belongings can be collected at the finish point.
Participants are requested to carry only essentials for the overnight stay in Khardung village and items required for the race. Please arrange to leave all non-essentials in Leh.


Hydration points & medical support

Beginning with the 8th edition of Ladakh Marathon in 2019, we have made a conscious decision to make this event free of single use plastic. We are thankful to all participants and request for continued support in our effort to reduce the use of plastic and help us in protecting our fragile environment.

Hydration and Aid stations will be located at every 05km interval providing with:

  •  Water – refill facility – participants are requested to bring out their own hydration packs and bottles.
  •  Energy drinks served in biodegradable cups.
  • Snacks are free of plastic wraps and include fresh fruits, dates, boiled potatoes, jaggery etc.

Toilet Facilities

Toilet facilities along the course are environment friendly dry pits.

Course Description

Khardungla challenge (72km)

The Khardung La Challenge begins at Khardung village (3975 m / 13,042 ft). The race route involves a gentle but steady climb to the top of Khardungla (5370 m), one of the highest motorable passes in the world. From here it is downhill all the way to Leh town (3500 m / 11,500 ft). Runners get spectacular mountain views of the Karakoram range and the Stok massif, running past mountain villages and summer pasture land of the yaks of the Nubra Valley and North Pulu.

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