



Running a Marathon is itself a challenge but running the LADAKH MARATHON (42.195km) is even a greater challenge. A tough race at a high altitude, the Ladakh Marathon is not for those with no experience in running marathons but for those who have had dedicated themselves to several months of training. Individuals new to running should begin with a shorter distance and then move up. If you are a serious long distance runner this will be one race that will be a “must do” and one that you will always remember and be talking about for a long time to come.

A Closer Look At The Course

11155 ft 11072.83 ft 10990.81 ft 10908.79 ft 10826.77 ft 10744.75 ft 10662.73 ft 10580.71 ft 10547.9 ft Getting to theStart Point Leh Golf Course Indian Oil PetrolPump Turn Left toStakna Village Turn Right toChoglamsar Bridge Choglamsar Bridge Chuchot Imambara Chushot Gompa Turn Left toStakna Road Turn Left towards Leh City Stakna Monastery Thikse Monastery Shey Palace Church RoadShey Village Leh GolfCourse Finish 3 km 3 km 3 km 3 km 2 km 2 km 1 km 1.195 km 3 km 3 km 3 km 3 km 3 km 3 km 3 km 3 km Indian Oil PetrolPump ChoglamsarBridge Turn Left toChuchot Village Turn Left to SheyVillage Road

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Race Details


42.195 km


Sunday 14 September 2025


05:00 hrs


6hrs 45 mins


06:00 hrs


Participant should be 18 years or older as on race day


NDS Memorial Stadium


Finishers will be given a certificate with official time along with a medal


  1. Participant must have completed EITHER one Marathon under 6hrs after 1st January 2024 OR two Half Marathons under 3hrs within the eligibility period (at least one run after 1st January 2024).
  2. Finisher of 2024 Ladakh Marathon is eligible to register for Marathon.
  3. Finisher of 2024 Ladakh Half Marathon is eligible to register for Marathon.
  4. Finisher of previous years Ladakh Marathon/Half Marathon AND having one Marathon under 6hrs/ one Half Marathon under 3 hours after 1st January 2024.

Registration Type & Fee

(Inclusive of 18% GST)


Type I (Foreign Nationals)

USD 120


Type II (Indian Nationals – who live outside Ladakh)

INR 5,800


Type III (Ladakh Residents & serving Indian Defense Personnel )

INR 4,200


Type IV (Veterans – 52yrs & above) Foreign

USD 85


Type IV (Veterans – 52yrs & above) Indian

INR 4,950

BIB Collection

Bibs will be distributed ONLY on Sunday 7th and Monday 8th September 2025 at NDS Memorial Stadium grounds in Leh. NO BIBS WILL BE GIVEN AFTER THESE DATES. Please ensure your BIB is pinned properly and visible at all times during the entirety of race, failure to do so will result in disqualification.

It is mandatory for participants to collect their bibs in person and are requested to bring out original photo ID.

Getting to the start point

Participants are encouraged to walk to NDS Memorial Stadium located opposite the LAHDC Secretariat in Leh as there will be road closures.

Baggage deposit

Facilities available at the holding area inside the stadium.

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Hydration points & medical support

Beginning with the 8th edition of Ladakh Marathon in 2019, we have made a conscious decision to make this event free of single use plastic. We are thankful to all participants and request for continued support in our effort to reduce the use of plastic and help us in protecting our fragile environment.

14 Hydration & Aid stations providing with:

  •  Water – refill facility – participants are requested to bring out their own hydration packs and bottles.
  •  Energy drinks served in biodegradable cups.
  •  Fresh fruits and dates.

Toilet Facilities

Toilet facilities along the course are environment friendly dry pits.

Course Description


Starting from the NDS Memorial Stadium, the 42km marathon route follows the Leh-Manali highway past the ITBP camp to the settlement of Choglamsar spanning a distance of 6 Km offering runners a steady down slope, take right turn toward choglamsar bridge fluttering with prayer flags. After crossing the bridge take the first left to chuchot road. With the Stok range of mountains on the right and the bank of the Indus river at the left, you past the Chushot Imam Bara mosque. After 11.8 km take left towards stakna road. Continue for 1.2 km and take left to stakna village where you see the scenically located Stakna monastery perched atop a rock shaped like a leaping Tiger. You take the Stakna road through a fantastic route lined with thick willow bushes across Stakna bridge to reach the Manali-Leh highway. Here you have completed half of the route. For the coming 10km, ahead you can see the dramatically located Thiksey monastery covering an entire hillside and resembling the Potala Palace of Tibet on your right. The route linked with poplar and willow trees continues on the highway past white washed stupas which stand as a contrast against the sandy windswept landscape and bright blue skies above to the Shey Palace on your right and the grazing grounds on your left till the Church of Shey. You then turn left to run through the link road of lower Shey village till you catch the Manali-Leh highway, where you see the sindhughat on the left side. When you continue to move forward, on the left you can see the brightly painted Chortens and the residence of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The forthcoming 6 km stretch marks the challenging segment of this race which entails a long, steady incline till finishing point.

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